Tuesday, May 16, 2023

What are The Important Services To Be Provided by a Divorce Lawyer?

You have plans to get divorce from your partner and hence you are in search of a divorce lawyer. Here are few important services that are to be provided by a divorce attorney:


Divorce is a process that involves the end of a marriage, either by legal separation or by divorce. Divorce laws vary between countries, but in most cases, divorce requires the sanction of a court or government agency.

Explain the law

Divorce is one of the most difficult things that can happen to a person. It is a time when emotions run high, and it's important to have the right legal advice. If you don't have a good divorce lawyer on your side, it could be even more difficult to get through the process. A divorce lawyer will help you get through this process in an efficient manner, as well as try to make sure that you're getting everything you deserve out of your divorce settlement.

There are many different types of lawyers who specialize in different areas of law. A family law attorney helps people with their divorces and custody battles; however, there are other types of family law cases that they handle as well.

Protect rights

Divorce is a difficult process, and it's important to have an experienced attorney by your side who can guide you through the legal proceedings. A Best divorce lawyer In Delhi can help you through each step of the process, including filing for divorce and determining child custody arrangements.

Protection of Rights

A divorce attorney will protect your rights as well as those of your spouse. They will ensure that your interests are protected throughout the proceedings. The attorney will also make sure that your rights are not violated by your spouse during or after the divorce.

Avoid negative consequences

Divorce is a difficult experience for anyone, but it can be especially challenging when children are involved. If you're going through a divorce, it's important to understand your rights and responsibilities as a parent. A family law attorney can help you navigate the legal process by providing advice and representation during negotiations or at trial.

Here are some of the services that a divorce lawyer may provide:

Legal representation in negotiations

Assistance with child custody and visitation issues

Help with temporary orders (such as child support)

Representation during mediation or collaborative divorce proceedings


Divorce is a legal process that will be best handled by a Divorce Lawyer In delhi .Divorce attorneys assist you through the entire legal process and help you to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Divorce lawyers in some states are allowed to practice law under the title of family law attorneys. The most important services that divorce attorneys generally provide are as follows:

For More information please visit us https://www.delhi-lawyers.com/

Thursday, July 11, 2019

How to look for the best Divorce Lawyers in Dwarka Court, Delhi ?

best Divorce Lawyers in Dwarka Court

Divorce is one such critical phase of life that no one wants to face. But sometimes there are some unfortunate situations that result in divorce. There can be financial reasons, understanding issues, cheating, anger, and other marital issues. No matter for what reason a divorce is taking place, a couple should always try to avoid it in order to prevent its harsh consequences. Moreover, the divorce proceedings are very time-consuming and you need to look for the best divorce lawyer in Delhi. Apart from this, the fees of the lawyer, financial settlement between the couple and other major settlements make divorce a hectic procedure. 
The decision to take divorce is only the initial step of the process. Rest of the procedure involves visiting courts on every appointed date, making the settlement with the spouse on various matters, decision on child custody, alimony, etc. Divorce also affects the financial life of the parties as they have to do the distribution of the finances and properties between them. For all such decisions, the parties can consult any of the divorce lawyers in Delhi high court.
While filing for divorce, the parties have to prove that they have been living separately for one year. There are different laws of divorce for different religion in India. 
You will find a number of divorce lawyers in Delhi, Dwarka that can help you with your case. But before finalizing a divorce lawyer, you need to look for certain qualities such as:

  • The first important quality a lawyer should have is the ability to communicate well.
  • Also, look for what additional skills does the lawyer have.
  • Check the experience of the lawyer as well as the success rate in divorce cases.
  • The ability to deal with situations calmly under pressure or tense situations.
  • The lawyer must be confident about his knowledge and should have a strong perspective about what he is saying in the court.
  • The most important is the lawyer should genuinely handle your case as well as treats you with the utmost respect. 
Divorce procedures are lengthy and tedious; hence make sure you choose the right divorce lawyers in south Delhi. Also, make sure the lawyer you choose is not working on other cases otherwise you are going to face date issues with him or he will not give you instant response whenever you will have a question. Also, the lawyer must have experienced associates and juniors to help him in case he is not able to visit the court on the date of trial under any unseen circumstances. 
For More information please visit us https://www.delhi-lawyers.com/

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Process of getting Divorce with Low Finances or no Money

Divorce is a intricate legal process and can be an expensive affair. It can be a very challenging time in anyone’s life as divorce includes mental, physical and emotional stress. Moreover, financial trouble add insult to the injury. It needs money to be paid on every step and in India, divorce case takes years to get settled.

In the Indian context, ladies are regularly left with zero financial help when separated procedures started. In such cases, the main critical step that must be taken is to start investing cash before taking a decision.

If you are seeking a divorce, the following options can allow you to take it with little or no money

Legal Aid

The Indian Constitution has given a privilege to lawful aid, under which residents are qualified for free legal assistance by the government. Free legal assistance can be asked from the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), different State Legal Services Authorities or District Legal Services Authorities, which were set up under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987

Indigent Suit

If an individual does not have adequate methods other than property exempted from the connection in the execution of a degree to empower him to pay the prescribed expenses, he can fill an application alongside the suit for permission to file the suit as an indigent person. It is called a homeless person application and exempts payment of even the court expense. The state government can likewise give free legitimate services to an indigent person.

Mediation in Divorce Proceedings

Another sensible alternative to save money on costs amid divorce procedures is to decide on mediation. Mediation is an elective method for settling debate which takes into consideration the goals of the fundamental issues behind divorce in a way that takes less time, less cash and gives the parties more authority over their divorce procedures with the help of an impartial third party.
If you are looking for expert advice, consulting a divorce lawyer would be a wise option. Search a topdivorce lawyer in Delhi for your case, who can give accurate suggestion and guide you properly.

Monday, April 29, 2019

How to Get Alimony While Filing for a Divorce

Divorce is a very difficult situation for both the parties as it can leave them shattered or hurt. This has been seen that women get more affected by a divorce especially when they are not financially independent. There can be multiple reasons for filing for a divorce. Also, the process is complicated as there are so many factors involved. It is always better to consult a Divorce lawyer before filing for a divorce.

Alimony is one of the important parts of a divorce process as it is the legal obligation of a person to pay financial support to his/her spouse. There are many factors involved to determine the amount of alimony a spouse will get such as:
  • Property and income of husband and wife
  • Standard of living
  • Duration of marriage
  • Number of children to raise and other factors.

If you are earning more than your spouse, there are chances that you will get less amount as alimony. However, if there are children involved that might help you to get a good amount of alimony. You can look for the Best divorce lawyer in delhi to get a good amount of alimony.

To file for alimony, go through the given steps:
  1. First, you need to separate from the spouse to get alimony. During the begging of the separation, temporary alimony is received.
  2. You have to submit the required documents showing your financial capabilities to the court such as bank documents, payslips, proof of rent and other supporting documents.
  3. File for alimony to the proper court where you and your spouse are currently living.
  4. Fill out the required forms and then a notice of the alimony petition and divorce will be sent to inform your spouse. After this, you have to wait to get a reply from the court and also wait for the court decision.

For complete details, you can consider connecting with the Best lawyer in delhi.

Get more information about divorce law:

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

पिता के लिये बच्चों की निगरानी के कुछ सुझाव (Some Tips for Child Custody for Father)

जब स्त्री और पुरुष एक साथ बंधन में बंध जाते है, तो उस बंधन को विवाह कहते है। हमें अपने जीवन में इस बंधन को बहुत ही बखूबी से निभाना चाहिए, लेकिन कभी-कभी कुछ विचारों का आपस में न मिलने से जोड़े अलग होने का फैसला ले लेते है। जबकि ये नहीं करना चाहिए, क्युकि ये करने से हमारे बच्चों में गलत असर पड़ता है। बच्चों की न तो अच्छे से परवरिश होती है और न ही शिक्षा अच्छी होती है। इसीलिए कभी भी अगर पति पत्नी में लड़ाई हो तो उसे कभी बड़ा मुद्दा नहीं बनाना चाहिए जितना हो सके आपस में ही समझौता कर लेना चाहिए।

पिता के लिये बच्चों की निगरानी के कुछ सुझाव (Some Tips for Child Custody for Father):-
  •  अपने बच्चे के साथ एक मजबूत रिश्ता बनाएँ।
  •  बाल सहायता का भुगतान करें।
  •  बच्चे के लिए सक्रिय रहें।
  •  बच्चे के प्रति सम्मान रखें।
  •  बच्चे के प्रति ईमानदार रहें।
  •  बच्चों के उज्जवल भविष्य के लिए एक योजना बनायें।
  •  बच्चे को अपने घर में रहने के लिए तैयार करें।
  • अपने बच्चे पर विचार करें।

यदि आप अपने पार्टनर से किसी कारण की वजह से तलाक ले लेते है, तो अपने बच्चों के उज्जवल भविष्य बनाने के लिए Child custody lawyer से सम्पर्क करे वो आपको अच्छा सुझावों देंगे। Chlid custody बच्चों के लिए बहुत ही ज़रुरी है ताकि उनका भविष्य अच्छा रहे, और ये हर माता पिता का फ़र्ज़ होता है।

Monday, December 17, 2018

तलाक होने के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण कारण Some Important Reason of Divorce

आज के समय में प्यार मोहब्बत और रिश्तो की डोर काफी ढीली हो गई है। आज के समय में कोई भी किसी पे विश्वास नहीं करता है चाहे वो पति-पत्नी हो या और कोई रिश्ता किसी भी रिश्ते में विश्वास नहीं रहा। अगर पिछले कुछ सालो से देखा जाये तो आज के समय में तलाक में कई फीसदी की बढोतरी हुई है। देखा जाये तो यह समस्या महानगरों में ज्यादा तर होती है। जरूरी नहीं है कि तलाक लेने वाले जोड़ो में कोई बहुत बड़ी समस्या हो कुछ लोग छोटी- छोटी बातो में तलाक का निर्णय ले लेते है और अपने परिवार के लिए एक बड़ी समस्या खड़ी कर देते है।

तलाक होने के कुछ कारण (Some Reasons for Divorce)

तलाक होने की कई वजह है जिससे दो जोड़े आपस में तलाक कर लेते है। कभी कभी देखने में लगता है की प्रोफेशनल रूख के कारण ज्यादा तर तलाक होते है लेकिन ऐसा कुछ कह नहीं सकते है।

1. विचारों का आपस में न मिलना (Defense of opinion)

कई बार देखने में आता है कि पति पत्नी  के विचार आपस में नहीं मिलते है जिसके कारण वे एक दुसरे को अच्छे से समझ नहीं पाते है और आपस में मन मोटाव आ जाता है। वे अपने इसी वजह से एक दूसरे से आपस में झगड़ने लगते हैं, और कभी-कभी ऐसे झगड़े कि वजह से वे तलाक तक पहुंच जाते है।

2. परिवार का हस्ताक्षेप (Family Intervention)

कभी कभी परिवार का पति-पत्नी के बीच  ज्यादा दखलअंदाज़ी भी तलाक का कारण हो जाता है। परिवार को हमेशा याद रखना चहिये कि कभी भी पति पत्नी के झगड़ो के बीच नहीं आना चाहिए।

3. विवाहेतर संबंध (Extra Marital Affair)

विवाह के बाद यदि पति-पत्नी में किसी का कोई बाहर अफेयर  होता है तो यह भी एक बहुत ही अहम कारण है। तलाक का और यह आजकल ज्यादा हो रहा है जाँच पड़ताल में ज्यादातर तलाक का कारण एक्स्ट्रा मैरिटल अफेयर पाया गया है।

4. मर्ज़ी के बगैर शादी होना (Marriage without Permission)

जब कोई शादी से पहले किसी से प्यार करता और उसकी शादी किसी और से कर दी जाये तो ये भी तलाक का एक कारण है इससे भी कई अच्छे रिश्ते खराब हो जाते है ।

5. रिश्ते में प्यार की कमी (Lack of love in a relationship)

आज का समय इतना व्यस्त समय है जिससे पति-पत्नी के रिश्तो में प्यार की कमी होने के कारण भी तलाक हो जाता है ।

यदि आप किसी विशेष कारण की वजह से अपने पति या पत्नी से तलाक लेना चाहते है तो आप किसी अच्छे वकील (Best Divorce Lawyer In Delhi) से सम्पर्क करे। वकील आपको इस समस्या से बाहर निकलने का बहुत ही आसान तरीका बातएंगे। आप वकील की सहायता से तलाक की फाइल का आवेदन कर सकते है । वकील (Divorce advocate) आपको अच्छी सलाह देंगे। 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Executive Compensation and Divorce: Dividing Complex Assets

Divorce lawyer in Delhi

If there is a divorce then there has to be a division of assets between the two parties. This part of the divorce is very challenging if it involves executive compensation. While dividing marital assets there has to be a proper valuation which is difficult while valuing executive compensation. You can get the distribution done after consulting a Divorce lawyer in Delhi.

Executive compensation is financial and non-financial compensation which is given by companies to executives as part of their compensation package. Executive compensation is given in the form of various stock and equity awards as an incentive for future performance. 

To get the executive compensation divided it is important to what is separate property and what is marital property. Executive compensation that is received during the marriage is considered as marital property and has to be divided. However, compensation awarded but not granted during the marriage is not subjected to division. It is also possible that an employee never receives incentive compensation due to poor performance hence it is excluded from the marital division.

After identifying, if the compensation is marital property then you have to evaluate its value correctly. This can be done with the help of a financial adviser who has a good experience in divorce assets divisions. There are various methods to do the assets divisions. Each executive compensation plan is different and involves different policies and schedules as decided by the employer. The financial advisor can also help in spotting asset-hiding strategies such as voluntarily deferring compensation and then challenge them in the court. To get the right share of marital assets it is important to get the division done by taking the help of a financial adviser.

If you are searching for help for complex asset division then you can look for Best divorce lawyer in Delhi as it requires careful evaluation and division of complex assets hence only an experienced lawyer could do. The division of complex assets should always be done through a professional as it is an important part of divorce so that you can receive the fair share of the marital assets. The other party can try to hide certain assets or fails to disclose assets properly. Hence it is essential to get the accounting experts and the best lawyer to get the division done fairly.

For More Details Visit Here : https://www.delhi-lawyers.com/how-to-file-divorce-online

What are The Important Services To Be Provided by a Divorce Lawyer?

You have plans to get divorce from your partner and hence you are in search of a divorce lawyer. Here are few important services that are to...